When You Have a Best Friend as a Tea Addict

My tea partner



Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

I had a friend who is a tea lover. When we used to bunk our class hours, and during our free time he takes us to the food court. He buys us tea. He is addicted to tea.

What he drinks at morning break: Tea
What he drinks after lunch: Tea
What he eats at food court: tea
What he likes so much: tea
What he buys me: tea

If there is a tea stall, it will be running every day because of him.

He made me also to get addicted to tea hahaha. Whenever I see tea, I will remember only one name that is he who made me a tea lover. He is always my tea partner.

But I am happy that he is not addicted to any other kind of drugs other than tea. If I buy him anything, he won’t be that much excited as I or order him tea. And I found another crazy friend she is also a tea lover. I cannot forget that evening spending with them. I think one day we would have some tea time together.

